We conduct expert research and research on integral security of critical infrastructure, security technologies, functional security and cyber security in the areas of transport, Industry 4.0, smart cities and complex systems (artificial intelligence, metaverse).
Science and Research

KINT s.r.o. was founded by the current CEO Ing. Tomáš Kertis, Ph.D., who devoted several years to science and research in the field of integral security of critical infrastructure at the Faculty of Transport of the Czech Technical University in Prague. Even in his professional career, the executive gained and transferred experience in international, European and national projects. These projects have always been related to safety or security of transport infrastructure and its elements, including cyber security of control systems. More regarding the expertise, academic and professional experience of the Managing Director can be found on LinkedIn.
The experience of the CEO is passed on within our company KINT s.r.o. to create a stable platform for ensuring the basic processes of scientific work – research and development, processing research, conducting tests and experimental development, as well as providing consulting activities in the areas listed below.
Technical areas
KINT s.r.o. focuses on security and sustainable development, see Vision and Mission. Therefore, it is important to focus on “future” technologies that help humanity survive their next stages. However, the technological world must be measured for their safety and sustainability, and this is the direction our company is taking. We consider modern technologies to be anything that is based on general principles such as Smart Cities, including the transport and traffic industry, Industry 4.0, complex systems such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and so on. This of course includes energy and the search for new energy sources. As our world is interconnected in many ways, other technical and technological areas are also very important and therefore we intend to further expand our competences.
Areas of interest: human security according to the UN, infrastructure and critical infrastructure (especially transport or energy), its security and sustainable development.
Expert contributions and articles for the general professional and lay public

We publish the results of our work on our blog for the general public. Published articles by KINT s.r.o. are listed in the Articles section under the individual headings. Articles are scientific or technical in nature and are written in a form for the non-expert public, but with references to relevant and verified sources. Anyone can contribute either by discussion posts under the articles or by directly submitting a new article if you have an interesting topic. In this case, please contact us.
Articles with results for the professional public will be further published and presented at professional conferences and seminars. Scientific articles published by the Managing Director on behalf of other institutions and intended for the professional public can be found here Tomas KERTIS | Safety manager | Doctor of Philosophy | ResearchGate
Possibility of cooperation and participation in projects
Our company offers cooperation to anyone who shares our goals and vision. We offer professional research, cooperation on professional projects in various forms of cooperation. We can help with the implementation of procedures, methods and methodologies. We support individuals, academics and practitioners, professionals and amateurs, i.e.:
- expert research,
- risk and safety assessment of processes or technologies,
- testing and assessment of new technologies,
- preparation and participation in projects and programmes,
- conslutancy,
- conferences, publications and professional articles,
- articles for the general public on our blog,
- promotion and popularisation
If you are interested in further information or cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact us via the contact form in the “Contact” section in the top menu. We are looking forward to working with you, to your suggestions or comments, as well as to substantive discussions on articles, the results of our work or just for fun.